Last year when I started this blog I had big dreams of the "Meals with Meelz" segment but that kind of went down the drain. I have posted a few recipes to my stories but I am constantly being asked for this recipe so I figured I would add it to the blog. Take note, I am not a chef, I hardly use amounts and just pray my family enjoys the meal.
Olive Oil
Carrots, Onion Celery - I normally just but the pre chopped container with all three of them together. If I did not, I would say about half a bag of carrots, half an onion and half a bag of celery (like I mentioned, clueless on amounts)
Ground sasuage or sausage out of the casings
Chicken Broth - I use one box
Diced Tomatos - One can
Cheese Tortellini - 1 lb
Spinach - Few handfuls
I use a pan like this when making soups.
Heat up a little bit of olive oil in the pan and add in the carrots, celery and onion. I like to cook these down for a while because I prefer the vegetables soft in a soup.
Once those are cooked down I add in the ground sausage and brown.
After the sausage is cooked I add in the chicken broth and the cans of diced tomamatoes and bring to a boil.
Once to a boil, add in the tortellini for the amount of time specified on directions (usually 7-10 minutes)
Right before the tortellini is complete, I toss in a few handfuls of spinach
And done, you can let simmer if you owuld like and works well for left overs too. Hope you guys enjoy and make sure you tag me in any photos if you make it!
With Love,
Scribi Styles
