I interrupt Christmas and holiday content to bring you some SUPER exciting news and details! I have been working with Sara from Maddie and Connor and we are so excited to share with you the Maddie & Connor x Ashley Scribi Smocked Cape Cod Collection!
Awhile back Sara and I were messaging and just throwing some dream ideas out there and we mentioned making a Cape Cod outfit. A few weeks later Sara actually had a dream she did it and I said, well then, why not?! Sarahas been a friend of mine since I started this whole thing. She also had started around the same time but then pivoted to creating a children's clothing line, Maddie and Connor. She is a nurse by trade and then took her love for children's clothing and created her own brand. She has become known for her adorable quilted products and gorgeous creations. She is able to take her love for southern/preppy clothing with a mix of New England style and to create the perfect brand. Her clothing is now sold all over the country!

Sara has put so much into her brand and I truly and so excited and honored to be working with her on this. The day she sent me photos of the actual items I was in AWE. The items just scream Cape Cod summer to me.
The details, there will be four items available for preorder, tomorrow 12/6/2022.
Girls Dress: Size 2T - 6 $68
Girls & boys Bubbles - 0-3M - 18-24M $59
Boys Polo - 2T - 6Y$48
They will be available here at Maddie & Connor. All of the items are in a pima cotton (my favorite for the kids) and are perfect for dinners post beach, family photos, trips to the cape and maybe just telling your children all about a place you love to visit and hope to bring them there one day.

These items will ship by end of February and plenty of time before you hit Cape Cod this summer! Why preorder you ask? Preorder is a way to help smaller brands plan ahead and know what to order. They guarantee you will get your items as soon as they are available and in your sizes. The preorder will end the 12th, after that you may not be guaranteed to get these outfits as there will only be a very limited amount to sell. I highly suggest ordering during this time!
I truly hope you are all as excited as Sara and I am about this collection. Cape Cod is such a special place to us both and to so many of you.
Thank you so much,
With Love,
Scribi Styles